- State under Review
- Recommendation
Poland will continue to participate in the World Programme for Human Rights Education, within the first stage of which education on human rights has been introduced into the core curricula of general education at primary and middle schools. Moreover, the Ministry of National Education has launched a number of other measures to promote education on human rights and the rights of child. Training to prepare activities for the advancement of human rights and combating discrimination in local communities has been carried out under numerous projects
- Recommending State
- Session
- 1 - April 2008
- Action Category
- 2 - Continuing action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Human rights education and training
- State under Review
- Recommendation
Poland will ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights aiming at the abolition of death penalty
- Recommending State
- Session
- 1 - April 2008
- Action Category
- 5 - Specific action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Death penalty
- International instruments
- State under Review
- Recommendation
To maintain the momentum on addressing killings of activists and media professionals
- Recommending State
- Session
- 1 - April 2008
- Action Category
- 2 - Continuing action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Extrajudicial executions
- Freedom of the press
- State under Review
- Recommendation
Additional measures to level educational opportunities will be introduced. Poland will spare no effort to enable preschool-age children to enjoy their rights, among others through the creation of amenable conditions for developing various forms of preschool education, particularly in rural areas. The planned strategy for the development of education in rural areas for 2007-2013 will be attuned to the Government Programme for the development of education in rural areas in the years 2008-2013. The strategic aim of the programme is to upgrade the quality and level of education in rural areas. Implementation of the measures facilitating access for children from rural areas and small towns to quality education will continue until 2013
- Recommending State
- Session
- 1 - April 2008
- Action Category
- 4 - General action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Right to education
- Rights of the Child
- State under Review
- Recommendation
The delegation stated that Finland was committed to reaching the goal of 0.7 per cent ODA by 2015, as set by the United Nations, and 0.51 per cent ODA by 2010, as set by the European Union.
- Recommending State
- Session
- 1 - April 2008
- Action Category
- 5 - Specific action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Right to development
- State under Review
- Recommendation
The State under review will involve civil society and national human rights institutions in consultation and socialization of the Universal Periodic Review procedure until its next Universal Periodic Review.
- Recommending State
- Session
- 1 - April 2008
- Action Category
- 4 - General action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Civil society
- National Human Rights Institution
- UPR process
- State under Review
- Recommendation
Poland is also committed to continuing actions to reduce poverty and social exclusion, which will remain a priority in our national social policy. Poland indicated that a new national programme on social security and social integration for 2008-2010, now under preparation, will strengthen assistance to families for the purpose of counteracting poverty and social exclusion of children. These actions are meant to equalize the opportunities of families and children, i.e. to eliminate educational deficits and improve access to services that will enable parents to reconcile their professional activities with the upbringing of children. In addition, the national programme will determine specific goals, including, in particular, lowering the poverty index and the index of poverty risk among children to achieve that the following actions will be undertaken by Poland: 1/ Improvement of family incomes 2/ Development of the child day-care service system 3/ Levelling educational opportunities of and support for school-age children from poor Families 4/ Consolidating the system of assistance to families, family counselling, improvement of income support 5/ The development of cooperation with non-governmental organizations will also contribute to the effective combating of poverty and social exclusion
- Recommending State
- Session
- 1 - April 2008
- Action Category
- 5 - Specific action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Poverty
- Rights of the Child
- State under Review
- Recommendation
Poland pledges to further improve the situation of disabled persons. Due to its limited effectiveness, a review of the current system of vocational and social rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons, particularly with regard to vocational ctivation, will be carried out
- Recommending State
- Session
- 1 - April 2008
- Action Category
- 4 - General action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Disability rights
- State under Review
- Recommendation
To examine the feasibility of conducting a national consultative exercise on a national plan of action to follow up on the Vienna Conference on Human Rights and the Durban Conference on Racism
- Recommending State
- Session
- 2 - May 2008
- Action Category
- 3 - Considering action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Racial discrimination
- State under Review
- Recommendation
To examine the possibility of modifying declarations made by the Government regarding articles 13 and 14, paragraph 5, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
- Recommending State
- Session
- 2 - May 2008
- Action Category
- 3 - Considering action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- CP rights - general
- State under Review
- Recommendation
Submit, in 2008, eight reports to United Nations bodies, of which seven to treaty bodies: (i) Fifth and sixth periodic reports on the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), (ii) Third periodic report on the implementation of the International Convention, against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT), (iii) Eighteenth and nineteenth periodic reports on the implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), (iv) Third periodic report on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), (v) Initial report on the implementation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, concerning the involvement of children in armed conflicts, (vi) Third periodic report on the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), (vii) Fifth periodic report on the implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
- Recommending State
- Session
- 1 - April 2008
- Action Category
- 5 - Specific action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- International humanitarian law
- Treaty bodies
- State under Review
- Recommendation
Tunisia decided to create an institution related to the General Human Rights Coordinator in charge of the follow-up to treaty bodies' recommendations in order to promote their effective implementation
- Recommending State
- Session
- 1 - April 2008
- Action Category
- 5 - Specific action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Treaty bodies
- State under Review
- Recommendation
To strengthen the ongoing dialogue between the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, the Ministry of the Interior, the Overseas Territories and Territorial Units and the Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Co-Development, on the consideration, on a case-by-case basis, of returns of persons to their country which could place those persons "at risk", in conformity with France's obligations in this regard, in particular in the framework of requests for interim measures from the treaty bodies
- Recommending State
- Session
- 2 - May 2008
- Action Category
- 4 - General action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Migrants
- Torture and other CID treatment
- Treaty bodies
- State under Review
- Recommendation
To submit to Parliament, for early ratification, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, and the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
- Recommending State
- Session
- 2 - May 2008
- Action Category
- 5 - Specific action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Detention
- Disability rights
- Enforced disappearances
- International instruments
- Torture and other CID treatment
- State under Review
- Recommendation
Promote effective follow-up to the recommendations issued by the international monitoring mechanisms to the country in the field of human rights
- Recommending State
- Session
- 2 - May 2008
- Action Category
- 4 - General action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Treaty bodies
- State under Review
- Recommendation
To achieve by 2008 the modifications to the French legislation to satisfy the requirements of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
- Recommending State
- Session
- 2 - May 2008
- Action Category
- 5 - Specific action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- International instruments
- Justice
- State under Review
- Recommendation
Encourage the legislature to adopt international instruments and other human rights initiatives
- Recommending State
- Session
- 2 - May 2008
- Action Category
- 4 - General action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- International instruments
- State under Review
- Recommendation
Ratify the open-door policy towards internati onal human rights monitoring mechanisms
- Recommending State
- Session
- 2 - May 2008
- Action Category
- 4 - General action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Treaty bodies
- State under Review
- Recommendation
Renew the mandate of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights established in Guatemala, for th e period from September 2008 to September 2011, taking into account that its mandate ends in September of this year
- Recommending State
- Session
- 2 - May 2008
- Action Category
- 5 - Specific action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Technical assistance and cooperation
- State under Review
- Recommendation
Enter into other commitments considered necessary for the promotion, protection and enforcement of human rights in the country
- Recommending State
- Session
- 2 - May 2008
- Action Category
- 4 - General action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- General
- State under Review
- Recommendation
To publish regularly on the website of the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs the final recommendations of human rights treaty bodies
- Recommending State
- Session
- 2 - May 2008
- Action Category
- 5 - Specific action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Treaty bodies
- State under Review
- Recommendation
Germany is committed to the absolute prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment.
- Recommending State
- Session
- 4 - February 2009
- Action Category
- 4 - General action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Torture and other CID treatment
- State under Review
- Recommendation
With regard to extending a standing invitation to Human Rights Council special rapporteurs, the Congolese delegation reiterated its commitment to cooperating with United Nations bodies.
- Recommending State
- Session
- 5 - May 2009
- Action Category
- 4 - General action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Special procedures
- Treaty bodies
- UPR process
- State under Review
- Recommendation
With regard to recommendations on elaborating laws specifically protecting human rights defenders, the delegation reaffirmed its commitment to continue discussions to set up a specific legal framework for them.
- Recommending State
- Session
- 6 - December 2009
- Action Category
- 2 - Continuing action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Human rights defenders
- State under Review
- Recommendation
Review some reservations which Egypt has entered to human rights treaties in order to explore the feasibility of withdrawing them.
- Recommending State
- Session
- 7 - February 2010
- Action Category
- 3 - Considering action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- International instruments
- State under Review
- Recommendation
Aware of the fragile situation of unaccompanied foreign minors, Italy is fully committed to ensuring that these children are protected, regardless of their status.
- Recommending State
- Session
- 7 - February 2010
- Action Category
- 4 - General action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Migrants
- Rights of the Child
- State under Review
- Recommendation
The State also desires to establish permanent institutions that would ensure timely submission of human rights reports, both to international and regional human rights mechanisms.
- Recommending State
- Session
- 6 - December 2009
- Action Category
- 5 - Specific action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Treaty bodies
- State under Review
- Recommendation
Strengthen efforts to bring domestic human rights legislation into line with international human rights law
- Recommending State
- Session
- 7 - February 2010
- Action Category
- 4 - General action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- International instruments
- State under Review
- Recommendation
Accede to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
- Recommending State
- Session
- 7 - February 2010
- Action Category
- 5 - Specific action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Disability rights
- International instruments
- State under Review
- Recommendation
Backed by the Parliament and civil society at large, Italy has reconfirmed its commitment towards the achievement of the Monterrey 0,7%, objective. Despite the international juncture and severe constraints posed to Italy by its high public debt, a portion of the new State Budget resources is usually allocated for ODA.
- Recommending State
- Session
- 7 - February 2010
- Action Category
- 5 - Specific action
- Response
- Supported
- Cycle
- Cycle 1 (2008 - 2012)
- Issues
- Civil society
- Right to development